All Souls' Amateur Operatic Society
First Meeting
A meeting has held in September 1960 to discover the interest there would be in a musical production and the formation of an Amateur Operatic Society at All Souls' Church.
It was decided to commence rehearsals on Thursday evenings, "The Mikado" by Gilbert and Sullivan being chosen for possibly the first production in the future.
A committee was elected as follows: -
The Vicar ( Mr Walker ), Mr R E Moulds, Mrs R E Moulds, Mr H E Copping, Mr G Horsfield, Mr W Walker, Mr P Scott, Miss P Webster and Miss V Copping.
Mrs R E Moulds was proposed for Musical Director and consented to the appointment.
Miss V Copping was elected at a later date by the above committee.
It was then proposed that Miss I Booth be asked to be pianist.
A concert version of "The Mikado" was given in the Church Hall on May 27th 1961
The first constitution of the society was approved at the first Annual General Meeting on September 31st 1961.
A concert version of "The Gondoliers" was given in the Church Hall on January 20th 1962.